How many miles will a 2004 Honda CR-V last, of it was maintained well and not driven hard?

I was given a 2004 Honda CR-V by an elderly woman. It has 225K miles and she was the only owner, with no accidents.

Without a crystal ball or a complete strip down of the moving parts, not just the engine and gearbox, the answer to your question would be a pure guess. At 225k and 04 it would be considered little more than scrap value in most parts of the world no matter how it was driven and little old ladies are not always the best for cars anyway.

It really just depends on what maintenance has been performed on the vehicle over the years. Do you have the complete history of receipts and records of what was done? I would check the owners manual and compare what is recommended with what was actually performed.

If she maintained it well, and you maintain it well, it will last virtually for ever