My 2005 Honda crv has this very rough almost grinding sound coming from the wheels as it drives. Is it just suspension or something else?

My 2005 Honda crv has this very rough almost grinding sound coming from the wheels as it drives. Is it just suspension or something else? - 1

Could be brakes or wheel bearings. You need to get this checked As soon as possible.

Appreciate it I will

On a 12 year old car it is more than likely brake pads that are worn out and need replacing. You probably also will need new rotors.

Check for sticking brakes. Replace the wheel bearings.

Could be a bad wheel bearing or worn out brakes. Jack it up and see.

Could be the suspension, but it could also be the brake pads. It possibly could be the wheel bearings, but for the first time in my life last year, I needed a new wheel bearing, and it was a very distinct "clunk clunk clunk" sound when I turned the wheel, not grinding.


Wheel bearings are probably bad.

Could be the wheel bearings going bad, which should be changed as soon as possible.

Probably not suspension or brakes unless it only happens while brakes are applied. It's far more likely to be bad CV joints than wheel bearings. Plan on spending about $700 per side to fix it if both inner and outer CV joints are bad.