Honda Fit 2009 broken cv axle dangerous defect Similiar cases?

Honda Fit 2009 broken cv axle dangerous defect Similiar cases?

Replace the CV axle.

It's a nine year old car and only you know what mileage it's done and how well it's been maintained.

Parts wear out and CV joints are no exception. Just get the driveshaft on that side replaced (the CV joint is not replaceable except as part of the complete driveshaft).

Stuff breaks. Its not a conspiracy

The place to find out is
You can request an investigation if one is not already underway.
But the car is almost ten years old and a CV axle is not a life time item. Meaning they often need replaced before the first 100,000 miles which is about eight years for many drivers. It is an inspect and replace item according to most manufactures some place around 36,000 miles.

Axles wear out and break. No different than rwd car driveshafts, they too wear out and if you ignore the pounding noise… Break. Sounds like hell is breaking in from the underside so I get it fixed fast or I stop moving.
Fact of life.

Just replace it. 9 years old on a front wheel drive car. You have most of the car's weight in the front, so cornering always puts stress on axles. Not to worry. Its wear and tear. They go out. It's not that difficult, so it shouldn't cost that much. I had a mobile mechanic replace mine on my Toyota Camry, It was $130 per side.

The NHTSA has had six complaints of a front axle breaking in two (if you report yours, that makes seven) on the 2009 Honda Fit. All of them have been reported in the last 12 months. This does not seem to be the ordinary CV failure; they are describing the steel tubing part snapping. This sounds like the basis for a recall. There's already one for the 2013 Fit (see the second source).

I have had the right axil break on my 2009 Honda Fit w/ low miles. 1 yr. Later the left broke. Now the right has broken again. All repairs were done at Honda Dealership.

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