Why do so many women date men who are not good partners and are immature and irresponsible?

I see so many women dating guys who are still stuck as boys and never really grow up to be responsible, caring, and mature men. They date guys who are 30 years old who still think it's cool to be a "bro" and wear air Jordan's and backwards SnapBack hats and still work a low wage job, no health insurance, live at home with mom and dad still, drive a souped up Honda with cool rims and a spoiler and blair rap music full blast and don't respect women and just want sex. And all the men who are responsible, good looking, hard workers in medical school or doctors or lawyers or engineers with masters degrees who own their own home, are romantic and loving, responsible, dress well and take care of their appearance, workout and stay lean and fit, and are confident and sociable and good family values and want to raise a family and love their wives are ignored

If that's how you feel, I wouldn't date them if I were you.
Grow up and date men that meet YOUR expectations; don't expect them to change to suit you.

Probably because they have the same level of intellect. The girl would know she wouldn't fit in with the intelligent, responsible type.

Because their dating pool doesn't have nearly as many good choices that are also attractive.

Its called preference, willful ignorance, low self esteem, baggage. They settle.Scratch the surface of a loser and you'll often find a bad boy underneath (or the shell of a bad boy). Bad boy traits such as recklessness, rebellion, and criminality This "bad boy" might be missing teeth, addicted to drugs, chronically unemployed, and flabby. In other words, he's gone from an exciting and mysterious rebel to a certifiable loser. The brain loves familiarity and routine. It also bonds us to individuals through various brain chemicals. The brain releases dopamine early in a relationship to create that "infatuation" feeling. No values or dignity

Like you said one have the time to put in effort to listen to their woes and spend time. This is one of the language of love. Some woman just need it a lot more than others.

Other wives can survive having their husbands half the time not at home, because they themselves are busy using their intellect on doing things. They are doers.

Each have their temptations. But once their foundation is right and clear who they truly love their wives and their daughters and sons, the house they love to be, that's what they got the love that they seek after.

You must be talking about "women" who are under 30, have little education and fear adulthood for themselves. Adult women rarely exhibit that same behavior.

Women love bad boys as they are untamed and want the excitement that brings. A guy with a steady job and a kind heart willing to treat them like a queen is boring in comparison to the ladies. That's like asking why do women stay with lowlifes that beat them and grind them down when they can leave and find that very caring guy.

(1) We're raised to believe that romantic love solves our problems and produces lasting happiness.
(2) Until we HAVE become mature and gained self-confidence and self-approval, we're afraid of life and want someone to take care of us.

So some women, especially younger women, will accept ANY guy who comes along. Lacking a sense of self-worth, they don't think anyone else will want them, so they latch onto whoever they can.

These women have issues.