How do I know if I have a bad fuel injector?

I have a 95 Honda del sol. It doesn't seem to be leaking from underneath the car, and there's no leak from the fuel rail as well. There's no leakage from the injectors. So overall the exhaust smells like gas and there's white smoke coming from it as well. The smoke isn't very thick it is kind of light. Are these the symptoms of a bad injector? How do I test them?

The "check engine" light will be on. Have a mechanic plug it into the "computer" it will tell you in 2 minutes what is wrong.

Sounds like it's running rich are you getting worse gas mileage then you uesta?

You have an old obd port under the hood and it would allow a reader to tell you the problem. This takes a reader that reads pre 1996 cars. It gives fault codes like the newer cars

On that old a motor if it smokes while sitting at idle speed but doesn't make a big cloud of smoke at highway speeds it may ne you have hardened valve guide seals. The motor has more vacuum in the intake manifold at idle which draws the oil past the valve seals. Start checking your oil level every 500 miles so you don't get to low and ruin the bearings.
Have you been adjusting your valves every 60,000 miles? Honda's all have a chronic common problem with the valves getting tight. They need adjusting every 60,000 miles.

White smoke is usually steam caused by water/anti-freeze getting into the combustion chamber. That's normally a sign of a head gasket leak and would also smell like fuel since the fuel can't be burned thoroughly with the extra moisture in there.

It is a 95 or 22 years old so guessing you got close to 200K miles on it. The white smoke is not white, it is bluish white and has an odor. That is oil burning. Engines wear out. That is why old cars no longer roam on the road. Gone to auto-heaven(also known as auto salvage yards, crushers, wreckers, junk yards)with a few being rebuilt and stored(auto collectors and museums do that cause they got money to burn)
So I'm assuming you are a regular car user and use the car for work, shopping, holidays, and schooling.(Either all or some of them)
.10K a year is the low average use. You could very well be higher. Motors generally need "reworking" at 100K or 10 years(with that mileage or engine wear).

Blaming a fuel injector is like blaming the carburetor. Really something YOU can't check "easily". But you Can check spark plugs easily. Just have the car idling and pull a plug wire and if the engine idle gets worse… Then you did NOT find the cylinder that is not working… So put that wire back on the plug and try another until you find a wire that does not affect the engine idle… Blame the plug FIRST. Have another plug and change the plug and see if the car runs better. It should. If that happens then you found the problem. It is an electrical problem. It is NOT UNUSUAL that a plug quits. So that is a way to narrow what it is NOT before you need to possibly blame a fuel injector.
. Then take to a good mechanic and have him do his checks(you telling him what you tried). The sooner he can figure out what it is the sooner it gets fixed. You are paying the mechanic by the hour so the time is "reduced".