How do I make a minivan look cool?

I recently got my license and I'll be driving the family hand-me-down minivan, a Honda Odessy. Yeah, the gross family van you see literally everywhere. How do I make it cooler to drive? All my friends are driving cool cars, like Mazdas and Suburbans. How do I make the minivan seem cooler?

About a pound and a half of C-4 should do nicely.

Ride around in your hand-me-down mini van with a great big smile and occasional (don't overdue it!) wave to all your friends. In a short amount of time all your friends driving really cool cars will be envious!

If you're going to act such a fool about it, I would simply tell you to get your own transportation. Then, you can drive exactly what you want.

If a Suburban is ever 'cool' , then your Odessy must be the 'coolest; !

Best thing to do is to load it up with cheerleaders, and drive around so you can be seen.

Put an air freshener on the rear view mirror. Lipstick on a pig - it is still a pig, be grateful for not having to walk or take the bus.

JUSt paint it in pink and put 30" rims

Smash all the panels with a hammer. It couldn't make it any less cool.

You don't. There's no way on this earth to make a minivan cool. You have a vehicle. Settle for that.

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