How much does insurance cost for a new driver?

Wondering how much insurance for a new driver would be with a novice lisense, i live in BC Canada, i'm wondering what it would cost monthly to insure a car worth under $4000, like an old early 90s Honda or Toyota sedan, lemme know what you pay for insurance, what you drive, and what state or province you live in

Why are you asking what I drive and where I live when everyone knows it all depends on you age and zip code. So here is something different, call a local insurance agent and ask them. What do you think you will need to do when you have to buy insurance?

Wife works for ICBC. You'd be paying base rate (no safe driving discounts and no claims). If you were to get the basic collision and comprehensive coverages with your base insurance, expect to pay around $2100 a year (or you can do monthly payments for about $175/mo.)

I've been driving for 30 years in BC, no claims, full 40% discount, 2004 BMW 760i. I pay $1300 a year.

Call an agent

Without knowing the specific year Honda or Toyota, your desired coverage type, and where in the great province of British Columbia you reside it is impossible to speculate. The rate for a two decade old Honda Accord will most definitely be different in Victoria compared to Prince George. Call an agent.

Insurance rates: No matter the country, the driver or the car always costs $12.446826529, 7 schlotzkys, 4 haepennies and one ruble.

It costs a lot. And since you're a new driver, it costs one hell of a lot. I'm estimating anywhere between an arm & a leg and holy Jesus Christ are you kidding me, maybe even more. One thing is for sure, it will be totally too god dammed much.

You do know that nobody does insurance estimates on this site, right?

In the UK your first year's insurance often costs more than the car. You are not really insuring your car, you are insuring the car which is worth much more that you might crash into through inexperience.

That's going to vary widely, based on where you reside, your past record, and your age. Teen drivers can cost an arm and a leg, because they are, by nature, impulsive and reckless. You could punch your info in to some ins websites to get a general idea.

Here's a hint: For new teen drivers, insurance is VERY expensive, even for an old car. It's the "liability" part of the insurance that is most expensive because you can cause an accident, destroy other people's cars, and injure them just as easily in an old car as in a brand new car.