How much should it cost to fix a tiny crack in the back of someone's car?

I was getting off the high and accidentally hit my friends car in front of me. I basically just rolled into her so i was not going very fast. When we looked at the damage all we could find was a tiny crack (about 1-2 inches) on the back "bumper" I think you would call it (it's a Honda). And the paint might be a little loose. Personally don't think that it's worth fixing but she does. Is it worth fixing? And how much do you think it ll cost?

Yes, it's worth fixing when its your own car and somebody else's fault. Fixing that little crack in the bumper is probably going to require replacing the whole piece. Don't be surprised if it runs over a thousand dollars.

Yes, to fix PROPERLY will require a new bumper cover, painted to match & installed - $1000 sounds about right if there's no hidden damage.

THE WHOLE BUMPER AND TRUNK have to be replaced!

It's a tiny crack with a big repair bill to fix it. The bumper skin needs replaced.

$400-500 for it to be patched with body filler and painted to match.

Shouldn't cost more than $700. Might be even less if you find a bumper already painted.

A few, tiny $100 bills.

As you are 100% at fault I expect several hundred dollars

The bumper can be repaired by stitching the crack together and then "plastic welding" to fill the crack correctly before fibreglassing it and priming it ready for new paint. It should not require replacing, however it does very much depend on where the crack is located. If it's too close to an edge then the repair will not be strong and a replacement will be preferable.