How reliable is Chevrolet Malibu compared to Honda, Toyota and MAzda?

My mother is looking to buy a new car and it seems 2015 Chevy Malibu is the cheapest mid-size sedan available. The price at the local dealer is $17,500 compared to $23,000 Mazda 6. My Mazda protege has almost 200k miles and has never ever given me any trouble. However my 2009 Subaru Outback with 60k has been nothing trouble. So I was wondering how reliable are those Malibus? Do they need expensive repairs done often?


I'm surprised about your Subaru! I would give the edge to Honda or Toyota as far as reliability goes, but when you factor in the initial cost and the cost of repairs, the Malibu probably gives good bang for the buck.

"How reliable is Chevrolet Malibu compared to Honda, Toyota and MAzda?"
"So I was wondering how reliable are those Malibus? Do they need expensive repairs done often? "
-- Regardless of what car you get, any car can last long if you maintain it properly. But the truth is, Honda Toyota and Mazda are going to be more reliable than the Chevy Malibu.

For your Subaru, you may have purchased a lemon because Subarus make reliable vehicles.