How to fix rod knock on my 01 honda prelude? And how much will it cost?

I didng have oil in my car and i always forgot to put some now its knocking and as soon as i heard it knocked i got an oil change and i haven't used it in 2 months because my clutch also went out now its fixed and its still making that noise how can i get rid of it?

You have pretty much assured yourself that the engine needs to be overhauled by running it with no oil. By doing that all the bearings and the cylinder have worn and the knocking you hear can't be repaired without installing new beatings. As it is a 14 year old car that is probably worth around $3,500 if it needed no repairs you have to ask yourself is it worth spending more to repair the car than it is worth? By the time you either rebuild the engine or install a used one you may have spent more than the car is worth. The decision is yours. The car is worth very little like it is. But I would probably sell it for whatever I could get and just buy another car.

It will need all the rod bearings replaced. If it is driven much with the rod knock the crankshaft will be damaged as well. I have done it myself in an Accord. The oil has to be drained, the oil pan removed, and from there you need a professional manual, such as one from I spent about $120 for parts (do not forget assembly lube!) and the bottom end worked perfectly. Work deliberately, Plastigage all bearings before assembly, and use 300 grit emery paper to remove the black deposits on the journals. Don't worry about scratching the crankshaft - it is much harder than the deposits.
Here is what I found in the pan:How to fix rod knock on my 01 honda prelude And how much will it cost - 1

You can get rid of it by junking it near my place. Seriously, you can. Unless you're mechanically inclined, you're going to be paying out the a** for an overhaul.

Ask around your friends if they could help you fix it, and you'll treat them out to eat. I don't see you spending more than 500 if you're tearing it apart yourself.

Just don't be a certain dumba** who pushed their cars in the shop and haven't touched it in a month.

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