If one or two ISP's ban a site and raise prices, can a new one rise up and compete? Why? Why not? What about Honda/Toyota? Or


MCI & Sprint muscling AT&T aside?

Anyone remember Nucor Steel?

Each of those took advantage of very different situations, each with seemingly impossible odds.

Thing is, they were all LEGALLY allowed to compete.

How about here?

ISp's will not ban sites, that would cause people to flood to an ISP that didn't ban that one website.

The internet has been the freest form of communication. You can find most any view imaginable here. That all happened without government regulation.

I have no idea why people think that adding government regulation will make it freer. Freer than what? Freer than it already is? Really?

Yes… According to Nobel laureate (economics) Gary Becker and a host of others…

Just as obamacare allowed Big Insurance to make billions while reducing services, Title II allowed existing ISPs to basically protect their shares of a static monopoly… Sadly, too many people are unable to see beyond the pretty labels…

Even if smaller providers do not appear, the current mega-providers will have to expand their services into currently under served areas and compete in existing areas among themselves in areas where there's currently no incentive to do so (because their profits were fixed and already guaranteed by Title II).

People are over-reacting with Net Neutrality. This was implemented in 2015, there was no net neutrality at all before 2015.