I need info on a 72 Honda cb350?

Just got this bike would like to get info on it is it a k4? A ss a 350 4 it's my first bike frame vin is cb350-309**** thanks justinI need info on a 72 Honda cb350 - 1

It is a K3 - identified by the CB350E-3XXXXXX vin.

So, should have a 1971 or 1972 title, depending on where it was originally issued.

Have rebuilt my mutt 1969-1972 CB350 twice. They are great little bikes and when set up properly are very reliable. Keep the carbs clean (be careful with the diaphrams) and don't mess with the air filters or jetting unless you absolutely have to. Easy to adjust valves, easy to time, easy to troubleshoot most of the time.

Some info on cb350s by version: http://www.honda350k.com/CB350.html

PicI need info on a 72 Honda cb350 - 1

No,-you got the "big sister" of the 250cc twin:

In those days, Honda built tons of all the different models but would not call them 1972 or 1973 or any specific year. It was up to the dealer to obtain a title for the year it was originally sold. Honda was sued and after about 1976? Honda started to put year of manufacture on the bike.

Watch out for "kick starter slump", this happens on the early 350's if you let the kickstarter fly up unrestricted from the bottom, I think the stop breaks off inside the cases and then the kickstarter "slumps" forward of it's normal position.
Not a showstopper, but easy to prevent.
I loved my old 72 cb350, wish I still had it. Had a green one.