I want to get a new dirtbike?

Hey y'all! I'm 17 and I'm a girl. I ride a yamaha raptor 250 quad right now. I love quads and all but I mean its getting old, they are fun and easy to ride but dirt bikes are more fun. My dad will not let me get one, he says they are too dangerous… Which in fact quads are more dangerous. But when I get paid then I will be looking into buying a dirtbike. I'm a fan of honda and yamaha. How do I talk my dad into it. And what brand should I get?

The Yamaha TTR 150 or 230 might be a good start-bike.

Guessing you have all the necessary riding-gear if riding a quad, like good boots, helmet and other protective gear, if not than that may be a sign to your Dad that you don't care about safety-gear.

Owned both dirt-bikes and quads and both are safe enough within their limits BUT THEY are sport-machines and SPORTS do have certain risks, equip yourself to minimize serious injury.

Yamaha is the best dirt bike company Honda comes in second. Your 17 you should get a job and earn some money. And buy a used on Craigslist. I got one when I was 15 from Craigslist and I'm also now 17 (female) and still enjoying the ride. If he says no he means no. So you gotta earn it or you gotta buy it yourself