Is it a good idea to go from a 125cc to a 1200 ducati?

I've been riding a Honda 125cc for 3 weeks now and almost getting used to it. Just got my license and i'm thinking about getting this used ducati 1200cc.

Sure and better keep the undertaker informed of your measurements lol

Check out how much it takes to insure a 1200 Ducati.

Never mind what I think of the idea. The Insurance companies think you are a poor risk!

Sure get it. Lol.

Go ahead, get a GoPro too, YouTube sucks up efforts to clean the gene pool like yours.

A good rule of thumb for novice riders who start out on a small bike is double the cc's on their next one better off with 250cc until you get more experience or bored whichever comes first. Baby steps, in the beginning, is the preferred method of learning vs adult steps with baby legs.

That is not a good idea. Sure some people would be able to do it but that is an insane jump. A 600cc should be more than enough to knock your socks off. The main thing is that a 125 is extremely forgiving but after 1000cc your mistakes could cause a crash that normally wouldn't happen. Also think of the powerban, a 600cc would also introduce you to what a powerban really is. Hope this helps.

No, three weeks is not enough time to have gained any worthwhile experience. You need a good few years riding experience to be ready for the Duc. Ride the 125 for a year, then get a mid-size bike, then after another year or two get the Ducati.

Pass the name of the seller of the Duke to your folks who can then sue him/her when you die on your way home with it

If your trying to kill yourself then yes is a good idea

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