Looking for a cheap yet reliable sports bike?

I'm in 9th grade now and saving up to buy a sport bike at the beginning of senior year my budget will be $3,000. I'm looking at a honda cbr250r and kawasaki ninja 250r any other ideas you give i will look into all help is appreciated. Also not looking for speed since 70mph is the fastest you can legally go in America. Also what is the best time in the year to buy a sports bike form a dealer ship and privet dealer

Not many people are looking to buy or sell motorcycles in the middle of winter. Once springtime rolls around, you should be able to find a plentiful supply of used bikes in that price range. Try searching on Craig's List or your local newspaper's classified ads.

The CBR250 and Ninja 250 are good choices. I would go with the cbr out of the two because the cbr is fuel injected, rated at 80 mpg. Ninja rated at 52 mpg. Similar in power. The ninja is 1/2 a hp more. But, the honda has a quicker 0-60mph time. More low rpm power. Making for more reliable starts and better stop light to stop light riding.

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