Motorcycle at walmart parking lot?

I work 8 hour shifts at a Walmart. I'm wondering where the best place would be to park a motorcycle (honda rebel 250). Would it be near the entrance, somewhere in the middle, or as close to the doors as possible? Also, other than a cover what else should I invest in? I work 4-12 so I'm afraid it could be stolen while i'm working

Okay, first of all, theft insurance is your friend, because no matter how many locks and safety gadgets you may have, there's always a thief that can trump them if they want to. Second, park where you normally would, and I would be more concerned with the bike being accidentally tipped over by a careless walmartian than theft, so you should consider that too. Also, motorcycle theft is a LOT less common than you might think seeing as many will not know how to even operate the bike, and stolen bike parts are notoriously hard to fence due to almost no one needing replacement parts. Just enjoy your Rebel, man.

Somewhere well-lit that sees a lot of public walking past, not always the same spot, covered and chained to something solid (or a crocodile).

When I ride my motorcycle to work, I don't park in a parking spot but rather parallel to an outside wall so it is out of the way from other cars and lessens the chance that it will be hit by a distracted driver.

I would look for something similar where you work and just make sure it is okay with your manager first of course.

That's why I ride my cheap (or expensive for a 125cc, whatever you prefer) Yamaha WR125X to work… Whereas my Speed Triple lurks in its 'LAIR', ready to intercept some twisties on the weekend…
Your Rebel, in all honesty, no pun intended, and no offense meant is a… (clears throat)… A pretty cheap bike.
DO NOT COVER YOUR BIKE as it will generates more unwanted attention.
Keep it out in the open, preferabily near the main gate with a security guard or two as no one going to 'tinker' with your bike right in front of the entrance… Savvy?

Your manager may have different rules, but at the Walmart where I live, the employees who ride, park on the sidewalk where they push the carts back into the building.