My 1974 honda xl175 is having wiring issues. Black/white wire to ignition coil gets hot when bikes on and it won't spark. Any ideas?

My 1974 honda xl175 is having wiring issues. Black/white wire to ignition coil gets hot when bikes on and it won't spark. Any ideas? - 1

Hi it is truly amazing what some expect from very old motorcycles never intended to last this long. It was built to last 10 years at most the wiring will have become brittle and need replacing. The engine must so worn it would not start anyway. This bike is a scrapper at 43 years old.

Sounds like the ignition coil is bad… Probably an internal short in the coil which causes the power feed wire to get hot and also no spark to the plugs. Replace the coil. Check for frayed, corroded or damaged wiring as well.