My motorcycle will not recharge the battery. Any help would be appreciated?

When replacing my reg. Rec. On my 1996 Honda VFR 750 I cut all three wires that lead from the stator to the reg. Rec. Without keeping track of the order. (not my brightest moment). I have since fried my regulator rectifier trying to figure out the order the wires should go. Is there any way to figure out which wire should go where? Any help would be appreciated.

Master, genius, sir: A thingy called a schematic in a thingy called a shop manual shows the wiring and hookup thingies. Should one wish to understand what one is doing one might wish to Google three phase full wave bridge rectifier whereby one will ascertain that the wiring order for each phase makes no difference whatsoever, whereby one might conclude that one's previous reasoning was based upon one's ignorance of basic electronics and that, therefore, the problem lies elsewhere. Whatever you do don't buy a $5.99 digital multimeter and learn basic electronics. Just cut.

The truth is it does not matter.
A Exo so sarcastically notes, it's a 3 phase system.

Like firecracker stated, it doesn't matter.
As long as each yellow wire from the stator is connected to an individual yellow wire, all will be fine.

  • I've just turned 18 today and i'm gonna be getting a motorcycle what motorcycle would suit me? I'm only 90-95 pounds and I'm short what would be a good light weight cruiser around 250-300 pounds like my Honda Twinstar 185? I can't balance anything too big as i'm small, I need something that's lightweight, preferably Harley, but any work for me a bikes a bike, Thank you in advance! Note: My Honda Twinstar does not run my father had that bike since I was 7 or 8 and gave it to me when I was 9 but it sat out so long it doesn't work.
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