I'm going to the beach, and I have a second degree burn! What should I do?

Hi, I just recently got burned on a Dirt bike… A Honda 50 muffler, and i have 7 minor 2 degree burns. I have not gone to the doctor, but i have googled many things! With that being said… I know its minor, and a second degree burn. Anyway, I'm going on a 4 night vacation to Cocoa Beach, FL. And i'm planning on getting into the ocean, which is salt water. Would that be a good decision or should i just stick to the pool and build sand castles? Please resond As soon as possible! (Also, any kind of treatment options will help too, I can buy whatever I need)

What is the 1980's Honda motorbike in this video?

I want to know what type of bike the light blue and white Honda in the very front of the left row of this video is. The once with the square headlight. I've checked various sites, but can't really borrow it down due to all the models Honda made at the time. The majority of my knowledge is on Suzukis, and I know very little about Honda bikes ^^;

The video is from 1985 if that helps. Also, is this bike available in the United States? Since the video is Japanese, I'm not sure.

I know the video is not the greatest quality due to age, but any help is greatly appreciated!

What kind of modifications can a Honda CG have?

So I'm planning on buying a Honda CG 125cc or the Yamaha/Kawasaki equivilant and I was hoping to make some modifications before the end of september, as you may know, the standard 125cc is quite small and light so I'm wondering how much it can handle. I'm hoping to do the following:

-Replace the engine with a 250cc or larger one
-Replace the front headlight
-Replace the body kit and frame to make it look fuller
-Put the front wheel-shaft thing down at an angle so it kinda resembles a harley
-Replace the HandleBars

and most importantly:
-Replace the wheels with fatter, better looking ones.

I'm planning to make 1-2 modifications per week at a budget of £200/week, how possible would you say my dreams are to make into reality?

I'd really appreciate answers and advice from someone who has done this before or perhaps does this for a living?

I can't go above gear 4 in honda CBF 125 2012?

I bought a second hand HOnda CBF124 2012 model two weeks ago.

I though these bikes had six gears? I sped up to 45 and gear four is max i could go to.

I can't shift the gear lever after that.

Why do you think i'm having this problem?>

Added (1). Yes, I know
But mine is like 1 up and only 3 up… Can't go any more than that

Added (2). I mean 1 down and 3 up

Added (3). Okay thanks. How much would it cost to get checked and fixed?

Help on a honda dirt bike?

Just wondering did honda ever make a dual fuel injected 2 stroke dirt bike or did they discontinue their 2 stroke series before they started doing that…

2003 Honda xr100 Good Price?

I was wondering if $1250 is a good price for a 2003 honda xr100 dirt bike. The price is negotiable but i'm willing to pay for the original price. Please help me out by letting me know if this is a rip off, steal, or good price for the bike. Thanks

Link to the bike: http://columbia.craigslist.org/mcy/4556699301.html

Xr100r dirt bike oil change

I have a 2000 honda dirt bike. The xr100r, and was wondering how much oil capacity does it have? I don't have a manual. And was wondering does my dirt bike have a oil filter? If my bike has a oil filter, where can i get one? I'm just learning about dirt bikes, i know how to do a car oil change, just seeing the differences, lemme know about these please thanks.

1982 Honda nighthawk problems?

I just got a nighthawk. I was going down the road and the bike just spuddered down and came to a stop. Its turning over but its not fireing. Fuel line is good. And we're getting spark. Any ideas?

Best A2 Choice Moterbike?

I'm looking to get my A2 restricted motorcycle soon and I was hoping someone with a bit more knowledge than myself could give me an insight into my options. Primarily I'm looking at the Honda CBR 500 R, CB 500 X, Harley Davidson 883 (restricted) and a few others. I'm roughly 13 stone and 6ft, and feel myself cramped on the older CBR 125. My main concern is comfort as i ride regularly, as with my cbr 125 my back begins to ache after 20 minutes or so. I've ridden a Kawasaki Eliminator and didn't feel at home with the slow cornering and love the agile movement of the honda, would the 883 have a similar slow cornering?

Any insights or opinions would be appreciated,