What's the best way to remove paint off of motorcycle fairings?

I just purchased a 2015 Honda CB300F and I love it. My only issue is that the previous owner had spray painted the side fairings white, and now the paint is chipping off. All together it was a pretty sloppy job. I was thinking of maybe using a paint remover, but would that damage the plastic?

ABS plastic is pretty inert but try on an inconspicuous area first as they say.

I would take it to a professional and ask their opinion. I would rather not use a paint remover (but there are many) maybe bead or sand blasting is a better solution.

But before you go down that route there are alternatives - replacing with secondhand - even new need not be that expensive

For example (this is not your model)

Yes, using a chemical paint stripper CAN damage or warp the plastic body panels, and you'll end up worse than when you started. The BEST way to remove paint from plastic is with sandpaper. Use progressively finer grits to remove scratches left by the coarse grit, and sand GENTLY until you have a smooth surface to repaint.

Compound it with car polishing compounds of appropriate grits, and then repaint it. No need to take it down to the plastic unless that's what you want to do.

Try a pressure washer.