Why won't my bike turn on?

I was riding my motorcycle when the back tire locked up and i skidded into a fence. Laid it over and now it'won't start. Any ideas what's wrong with it? It's a 2014 Honda CBR 500

Not sure about that model but I know on the CBR 1000 RRs that if you trip the Bank angle sensor you have to turn on the ignition and flip the kill switch on and off a few times to reset it.
May be the same on the yours. Certainly worth trying it won't harm anything

The engine seized.
That bike should still be under warranty, go smile at the guys at the Honda Service counter, I'm sure they will be amused.

I really don't know much about your specific bike, but if it's EFI, there's an angle sensor that shuts off the fuel pump when it's triggered. It would have to be reset for the bike to run. I's just a guess though.

Engine seized, bike trashed. Sell it for scrap.

Sounds like it seized. Probably wringing it out with that cheap mini-mart regular gas.