Why won't this bike start?

I just replace the cdi, stator, rectifier, plugs and petcock on my 1989 honda vtr250. I'm getting fuel and spark and it still won't start What could be the issue

Did you time it?

Did you clean/rebuild the carb?

Carb rebuild.

If you have fuel and spark then the timing must be off.

Did you do a leak down test before you did all this work?

Have you got compression?

Have you checked the air supply?

Kill switch on?
After trying to start it, pull a plug out & check - is it wet with fuel or dry?
Do you have compression when you turn the engine over?
Make sure the chokes are not stuck on.
Try Aerostart. If that fires it up it's a carby problem If it doesn't it's most likely an ignition timing problem.

Has bike been rebuilt those gaskets are pretty old maybe is no compression for some reason. Is air filter clean?

No vacuum in the petcock, to a vacuum test.

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