Would Honda warranty cover SRS repair?

The SRS light has come on in my 1996 Honda Station Wagon. I have been told this is an $800.00 repair. Would this possibly be something that might have a lifetime warranty?

What car shouldni get for my first car?

I like the Honda crz but I don't like it only has 2 doors. I was looking for something small like that.(regardless of what anyone says, I will not get a dumped old car for my first car)… What was your first car?

Where can I buy Honda Stream rear lamp?

I just crashed my car and break the rear lamp (all of it just shattered)…
It's a 2008 honda stream
I'm currently in Tokyo, Japan…
I'm not japanese so, it's a bit difficult for me to find the rear lamp…
Please help!
Can't find it on Amazon and eBay…Where can I buy Honda Stream rear lamp

Do you think it's possible for a distributor rotor to last 223k miles?

Today, I did a tuneup on my car including plugs, wires, cap and rotor… I noticed that all the parts were Honda parts other than plugs. This is strange, because I bought the car from my brother, whom has owned it through most of the miles, and he would never spend the extra money on Honda parts. I can almost say with 100% confidence that he wouldn't ever by dealer parts because of the price and he's a cheap skate. So, do you think it's possible that these parts could survive this long? Keep in mind, the rotor was in such bad shape I can hardly believe the car could run… And it's running 1000x better after the tuneup.

Can you fix a totaled car?

Okay so friday I got hit. A honda ran a red light and hit my right rear end. And he tore my back bumper completely off. The tail came off. And I got put in a new rear axle. And plus the frame work and air bags. How much would all it be. I have a 2003 hyundai tiburon.