What's the most reliable low-cost car I can buy in the 2-4k pricerange?

So, after several horrific car experiences with repairs and maintenance I simply couldnt afford to keep up with, I'm seeking suggestions for the most reliable car I can get in my price range of $2,000-$4,000 dollars.

My initial thoughts were maybe A late 90s early 00s Honda with around 100k (or less?).

Can you use rottela t6 on a k20a3 (Honda)?

My friend says that rottela t6 is good and protects your motor. He says to stop using mobile 1 Because it doesn't protect your motor for too long. Btw he uses it on his Evo and no problems

Why does the left front wheel on my 4wheeler lock as soon as i touch the lever but the other 1 don't even hardly slow down?

I have a 2007 Honda Recon 250 4wheeler and it's been doing that off and on for awhile now, i thought it might have been a low tire because it's done the exact same thing before with a low tire but my tire pressure is fine. I'm guessing something is wrong with the brake shoes but i'm not sure what to look for because i'm not very experienced in the mechanic department and i don't wanna mess something up worse than it already is

Added (1). Haha very funny Andrew

Which is the best company and which grade i use for CBZ xtream?

My name vishal and i'm confused which oil i use for cbz xtream please help me

I have CBZ xtream Hero Honda,
In the manual book of CBZ xtream:- Use only Hero honda Genuine engine Oil, Brand: Hero Honda 4T Plus Grade: SEA 10W 30 SJ Grade (JASO MA)
So Which is the best company and which grade i use for CBZ xtream?