Simple repairs to make car fast again?

1986 Honda prelude, carbourated, 5 speed. My friend had it a while ago and he said it was very fast when he originally had it, about a year ago. When I drive it it seems to have very little power, it accelerates really really slow. I was wondering if there's any simple repairs I can do to make it a little faster besides a tune up?

Well, Kyle, you want some "simple repairs" but not a tune-up to make your 29 year old Honda faster? Not asking for much, are you?

You don't tell us how many miles are on it - or what shape it's in. While the Prelude was "sporty" in 1986, it wasn't a Cobra even when new - - - and I doubt if it can perform now as well as it did 29 years ago without more than simple repairs. Tune it and fix what needs repairing - and be satisfied that it's still running!

The problem is not with the car but it is with your friend. He doesn't know what fast is and neither do you actually.

Obviously you will have to find out what is wrong with it. Spark plugs may be bad. Spark plug wires may be bad. Fuel filter may be plugged. Carburetor may need rebuilt. Ignition system may be bad. Cylinder bores and rings may be worn. All pretty simple to fix with the right tools.

Open the hood, disconnect the battery and pick it up. Drive a newer American V8 under the battery and re-attach the battery. Problem solved with very little repair time. Maybe not as cheap as you would like though.