What are some things I need to know about The Honda Indy Toronto race?

On July 20th I'm going to the Honda Indy Race in Toronto with my boyfriend. This is my first time going to any type of race and I don't really know a lot about Car races but I don't want to go without knowing what's going on and I don't wanna feel stupid when he starts talking about these things.

You need to be aware the toilet facilities are a one-way walk of 20-30 minutes, and that there's no toilet tissue one you get there.

seriously though, race cars are extremely loud (they don't have a muffler and have engines that rev up a lot)
in many cases people will even get the small plugs (a memory foam like material that you squeeze down in size and insert to let grown in your ear) and ear muffs on top.

also bring water and expect to be there for a while the race itself in the last couple years has lasted from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Add in the preparation time before-hand and awards ceremonies afterwards and you'll be there for a while.

your first time around you'll have a hard time keeping track of what's going on so try just asking your boyfriend what driver he is rooting for and learn to recognise their car. Learn the colors and stickers placed on the car so that you can tell when they drive by. You could also pick your own driver to root for by looking them up online. The indycar website has profile info for all the drivers along with their stats. I like Juan Pablo Montoya because he is Colombian like me and I grew up watching him race in Formula 1 on TV. I didn't really follow him in NASCAR but now that he's back in an open wheel car he should be quite good.

depending on where you will be you could be at a fast section like the end of a straight or a slow section like a tight corner. In either case when cars are passing try to see if you can see a pass. Passes in open wheel racecars like indy cars can be quite rare and are a showing of pure driving skill. If you find yourself bored try to not interrupt others when cars are passing by and potentially causing someone to miss a pass.