What do I do with found keys?

My and my brother were walking and I saw theses keys to a Honda vehicle but we don't know we're the car is he said to wait and see if anybody is looking for the keys but if no one is looking for them I want to know how to find the car. Help!What do I do with found keys - 1

If it's a newer vehicle (Say like year 2000 and up), the key has start up security code in it. Key loggers and Honda dealerships will be able to find out the vin number and the owner of that vehicle.

If it's an old Honda, the owner of that car can just make another copy of the key at Walmart.

You could try to go back to the area where you found them and try to activate the alarm button to find the car. Then you will get the rego of the car and will be able to notify the police. Otherwise just hand in the keys to the local police station and hope the owner checks there to get them.

Turn them in to a local police station. They will take it from there.

It's not an intelligent key, no microchip. Unless you have a keen desire to locate the owner, just trash it. The day after you trash it, you'll learn that someone is looking for those keys. Finding the car with the remote is like looking for a needle in a haystack. You have to be within about 50 ft of the car for the remote to work.

It has a remote. Walk around the area and try to set off the panic alarm. If one goes off, go stand by the vehicle and wait for the owner to show up.

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