What is that small car model from mid 2000's with the perfectly oval engine intake, maybe honda? Kind of car old ladies would drive?
What is that small car model from mid 2000's with the perfectly oval engine intake, maybe honda? Kind of car old ladies would drive? - 1
Toyota echo
Perfectly oval engine intake?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Old ladies drive VETTES, dummass
- Small family car for learning to drive? Hi, I was wanting some help to do with what car to buy. The basic rundown is that I'm wanting a car a 17 year old can learn to drive in, so there's the obvious of low insurance, safety and reliability etc. It needs five seats as it will also be used as a general family car and can be up to about £6000. I have been looking around and so far am leaning towards the Honda Jazz, but any advice on the subject would be very much appreciated.
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