What's the most expensive vehicle you've ever driven?

I drove a $150,000 Mercedes G-Class at work today. I work at an auto mall so I get to drive a ton of different cars everyday, but we normally sell mainline brands (Honda, Toyota, Ford and so on) so expensive cars like those are rare there as they only come in for conditioning. I've also driven a Range Rover and Audi Q7

Audi A3, which belonged to my girlfriend at the time.

Does a dodge nissan count? Lol

When I was 9 I got to fly a Boeing 747 for a few minutes. This was after 9/11 when allowing ANYONE in the cockpit was virtually unheard of. I later learned my dad pulled a few strings to make my dream happen. Turns out my father let the pilot take a dump in his mouth at a Ramada Inn. I love you Dad.

Porsche Boxster Spider

57' Chevelle

Trucks at my job 20 years ago were worth 1/4 million

slightly comfy

I frequently drive my grampa's McClaren.

A space shuttle.