What weight (kilograms) would I need for a Honda 350d rear shock absorber?

So I can't find the specifications for the stock shocks and the ones I've got are clapped out and need replacing.

I have measured the size of the shocks including the fixing sizes, but I'm not sure about the weight aspect, I'm looking to buy some aftermarket shocks to replace the originals.

Any advice is welcomed

Do you have a 125kg girlfriend that rides with you? If so get a bigger bike.

Many shocks are adjustable and many can be re-sprung with a heavier or lighter spring so figure your load and go from there.

Four-wheelers weights are pretty evenly distributed. Like, take the wet weight, add the rider and cargo weight and divide by four. Or just use the max gross and divide by four. Add a bit extra capacity for safety… Your choice on how much. Ya see, them's four wheels. That's why ya gotta divide by four. Sorry about the advanced math. Or call or email the aftermarket shockers and, like, ask. Might help to know the max gross before you make the call. It's in the specifications.