What would happen if I did this prank to a car dealership?

Say that in the middle of the night I broke into a Chevy dealership, and the Honda dealership across the street from it.

I locate the keys, and move all the Chevys to the Honda dealership, and all the Hondas to the Chevy dealership.

Then the next morning when the folks at the dealership arrive, they discover that they are in possession of all the other dealerships cars.

Lol what would come of that?

You'd be arrested, you'd have to spend thousands on lawyers, and your story would probably go national so millions of people would know what a fool you are.

You'd be arrested for burglary and for stealing the cars.

Even better yet, just cut multiple small slits into the seat with your pocket knife and fit each and every slit with 4-inch vertical glass shards (30 to 50 of them maybe) then pour lime away on the seat then leave and wait for stupidity to take its course.
Too easy to get caught at a car dealership, instead try it on a stranger/neighbor's car.

Two counts of burglary and one count of operating without owner's consent for every car you move.

In my state, it is considered joy riding if you abandon the car without damage, but that could be grand theft auto in other states.

I hope you didn't waste too much time thinking about this.