Why do Honda JDM drivers think they are badass?

Well today I was behind a white Ferrari 458 Italia. When all of a sudden one of those Honda ppl pulled up trying to show off his souped up car. It was sad because he thought his Honda was better. I'm just wondering why Honda drivers think their car is the best?

Let them dream

Hi we're talking young ego blown young men without a clue of the engineering involved in cars such as ferraris of course.

The main reason for Honda owners (especially the JDM-Ophiles) thinking they are "Badass" is because Hondas are affordable and mods are very accessible, causing many to compete with pricier Sports & Luxury cars.
It seems they want to feel accepted by owners of higher ranking vehicles, but they don't have the means to own such a car.
The truth is, they can be built up and become very fast and the attitude of many makes sense in a way (though it's idiotic) - They are the "under-dog".

When you factor in that wrong wheel drive effectively caps the amount of power a Civic can handle without excessive torque steer problems and some other basic problems, Civics suck. Why do idiots like them? They are cheap and easy to modify.

They already have entered the Twilight Zone in thinking they are on a race track instead of on public roads, so imagining their front wheel drive family car is a racer is just one more step into the darkness. They are unfit drivers imagining they are in a car fit for racing… Decide for yourself which is weirder.

I had a Lotus for 6 years and saw a lot of that sort of silliness. One guy in an Imperial - this was in the 1970s - decided to show off by doing an abrupt lane change in front of me. His land yacht wobbled like a bowl of Jello but in his mind I'm sure he was in a Grand Prix race somewhere, and had just taken the lead. "I'm king of the world!"

Not just Honda. Every car owner think they can drive better and have the hotter set of wheels. From V.W.Slug bugs up. Besides they got the "fast" exhaust system, and pin striping and flames to prove it.

And they drive an automatic. That is the joke.

Well I don't think Honda cars are bad *** I hate their motorcycles they suck ***** an I think their cars do to

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