Is $20,109 good for a 2014 Honda Accord Ex?

The car has 19,000 miles and it is certified pre owned from a dealer. The warranty for bumper to bumper is good for a year and a half and then the other warranty for just like the engine and something else, I forgot, is 5 years. I plan on financing the car and it would be 209 a month for I don't remember how many months but the total is somewhere around $20,109.

Is this a good investment? Should I pass?
I'm not completely sure how I feel because I feel like the dealership is pushing it down my throat and it makes me very skeptical.

Comments? Opinions? Thanks for your help!

Added (1). The 20,109 is everything after taxes and fees.

If you don't feel right about it then walk away. for more info. The second warranty is called powertrain warranty and covers engine/transmission only nothing else

Don't buy until you are satisfied you are getting a great deal. He who has the gold makes the rules!

Certified, generally means overpriced.

The car has a factory warranty. The certified is just overkill.

And you should never buy an extended warranty which, pretty much, is what certified is.

Pass. If you are willing to up the budget just 2-3K more - you could bring home a brand new one.

You should really pay cash or finance for no more than 3yrs.

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