Why does my honda turn off at the light?

So this happened twice already.
1st time was last month. I had just turned on my car and right as i drove away at the stop sign it turned off. I pressed the brake it was super hard, sterjng wheel was locked and i couldnt switch geers. I turned it back on right away. The radio was still playing tho.
and today after a few minites of driving at the light it turnes off again. But this time the brakes were not hard and the steering wheel was not locked and radio still on and i was able to get it started right away too this time.

i had just bought a new battery and don't thjnk it could be that cuz the radio was still on. I'm worried it could be that the car gets too hot cuz my car hood ia cracked open a bit.

if not then what could this be! Please help.
i have a 92 honda accord about 220,000 miles. I've owned for more than 3 years and this is the first issue i've had wirh it.

a few other deatils that might help is that my gas gauge is broken. Ac don't work. Car heat thing stays stuck in the middle.

In the technical car world, we call that stalling. Why does your car stall when stopped at a traffic light? Maybe the idle is too low? Is your "check engine" light on?