Upside down trade in. Important reason?

I have 2013 civic and I want 2015 optima. My car value 12000 and I owe 15200. That's 3200 upside down? I like my civic but the thing is it's been giving me lots of electrical problems (warranty available) i've take the car about 13 times to diffrent dealer Honda and they only took me 2 times to check my car the rest send me home. They say I have to take the car when it's happeing but I take it when the problem not happening… Last week i was taking the car since it was causing the problem on my way but I get there and it stop so they send me home… And I'm tired of this back and forth they won't fix it. At all so I want to trade it in… I have $500 for down payment for next car… Is it worth it

What can I do dealer won't fix it since the problem never happens when I take it?

Try recording it on video and show it to them. Really they can't fix something when it is not broken. So your kind of just wasting your time going back and forth. If your going to pay that much for that car then demand it be fix or they need to replace it with a better working car. Get a lawyer even if you have to, but your going to need proof so get that video recording of the car acting up.

If you bought the car new, you may be able to force Honda to take the car back. Look for an attorney in your area that specializes in Lemon Law claims.
If you bought it used, you are out of luck.

If you buy the new car for $3200 more than it is worth, it will take you a long time to reach the break even point where you can sell or trade it in. What happens if it also has problems like the Civic? You can't keep adding deficeits to your new car financing

You real or imagined problems with your Honda will not wipe out $3200 worth of negative equity.

The Honda service department has no incentive to not fix your car. They get paid when they do work.
Not when they can't find any problem.

I had a problem with a 12+ year old Honda way back when. It would never act up for my mechanic so he couldn't diagnose it. I called Honda and the service advisor knew exactly what it was. I bought the part and my guy fixed it.

If Honda can't find the problem, maybe there's no problem.