03 honda accord maint reqd light?

1 day after having my tires changed this light came on for the first time ever. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I had my oil changed so do you think it has to do with tires? What symptoms could I look for

The light doesn't have anything to do with tires or oil unless a tire fell off or you runned it out of oil. You need to see what codes are set and act accordingly.

Get the codes, if you changed the tire diameter the PCM might need a tire size tweak.

Honda Accord. Cars have proper names. Why are you not capitalizing proper names of cars? Next, and this is serious, why are you not reading the owner's manual as to the significance of this message? I wonder why people call these messages as "lights." There are no lights. Without knowing what Honda defined as to the meaning of this warning, how can any one try to understand it? What does this have to do with oil service? Clearly you are working out of complete ignorance and quickly grabbed the smartphone. Not the right move. Lastly, is the last sentence not a question? Where is the question mark? If fact, you placed zero punctuation at all. This is a HUGE mistake repeated by not informed teens who care not. Cars are repaired by trained persons called mechanics. But you need to do your share. When there's a problem you must contact one. Asking for guesses in bad English is not advisable.