2008 Honda Accord, battery indicator light on and off. Alternator?

The light came on, immediately checked the battery charge and it was weak. Let car sit for 8-10 hours, started fine and no light, battery testing fine. Since, the light comes on for 1 minute at a time and then goes off. Still no trouble starting or driving the car. Do I just need to replace alternator? What else could it be?

At first, with the light on, it stayed at 10/11 (same as with engine off) when it was started. Once light went off, we tested again and it went to 14 like it normally should. But, light comes on and off but never stays on.

Wish you had listed the the battery voltage at the terminals when the engine was on with an inexpensive volt meter when the battery light is on the dash. The multi-tester must be set @ 20 volts.

Normal voltage at the battery with the engine is running is between 13.5 - 14.2 volts.