Car help, mechanic needed?

I have a 02 standard Honda Accord and just today found some small blue broken rubber things in my floorboard my thinking nothing of it I vacuumed them out but I went to start my car and what happens? Nothing, no cranking or clicks just nothing so I diagnosed it and found the problem, the thing that broke off was something that pushes in the clutch safety switch but what is said piece called? And how much does it cost?


Don't know that particular model, but in general it's known as an "interlock switch" or something similar. They're simple switches, with just two wires, and easy to replace if you're agile enough.

I'd go to a Honda place and ask if they'll let you look at their parts diagrams. That should identify what you need.

It's the Clutch Switch. It is Normally OPEN and Closes when you push the clutch. There are 2 wires, you can pull the connector and jump the terminals with a wire or paper clip until you replace it. Don't forget it will crank without pressing the clutch.

Hi so the clutch pedal bushes have disintegrated and need to be replaced. Small cheap parts and still needs a mechanic to fit them.

Take and touch the clutch pedal safety switch wires together to by pass the switch so you can start the car. Then go to the dealer parts department and give them the VIN so thy can sell you the correct safety switch.
If I owned the old car I'd just splice the safety switch wires together and remember to hold the clutch pedal down when starting the car.

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