Car stopping when reversing?

I have an 06 honda accord. And earlier i turned on my car and put it into reverse and it rolled backwards the tiniest bit and then stopped. It felt like i hit a curb but i was in a parking spot. So i got out the car and then checked and nothing was in my way. So i turned my car off and on again and did it again, and i'm freaking out. So when i tried to get out the parking spot i had to press the gas almost all the way down for it to move and was making a grinding noise. Can any please help me out or give me ideas as to what you think is happening?

Of course you can stop. Do you know what brakes are?

Your parking brake is on?

Get it to a transmission shop quick before you destroy your transmission you're a reverse solenoid and your first gear solenoid are stuck. So when you try to go into reverse your car is still in first gear if you don't fix that really darn fast you will destroy the bands in your transmission

Maybe you should have a mechanic check it out

Is the parking brake on? If not you've got a clutch or automatic tranny problem.

It is a Honda, first mistake you made, It sounds like your reveres belt is going bad. You need to get it fixed; if that belt brakes it will mess all your gears up and could kill that transmission. Go to Amco!

If you have an automatic transmission, it could be a fault within the transmission.
If you have a manual transmission, and it works normally in all forward gears, then it is unlikely to be a transmission problem.

The other possibility is a rear brake fault - the brake shoes are incorrectly located and are moving and jamming when you attempt to reverse. If you have rear disc brakes, you may still have a separate drum-type parking brake which could be causing the problem.