Honda Accord Idle Problems After Cleaning Throttle Body?

I clean the throttle body with a throttle body and intake cleaner. I had someone hold the gas pedal while the gently cleaned inside with a toothbrush.

After i put everything back together the car's idle is jumping around.

It idles around 700-800 then slowly drops down, the fans go off. Then the idle raises again when the fans are back on. Also when i change gears from parking to reverse, or parking to drive, the car jolts a bit. When the steering wheel is turned in park, the revs go up a little bit. What is going on?

2001 Honda Accord Ex V6

Start by making sure the coolant is correct - the radiator is topped up and when you open the cooling system bleed screw (looks like a giant brake bleeder nipple on top of one of the housings where the radiator hoses attach to the engine) 1/2 turn that an uninterrupted stream of coolant comes out. It is necessary to do that every time the cooling system is drained and refilled. Otherwise a bubble of coolant is trapped and it drives the Fast Idle Thermo Valve (FITV) nuts by only pumping hot coolant to it when the idle is high enough… Producing symptoms like your car has although usually at higher rpms.

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