How Long To Receive Nationwide Insurance Check?

I was rear ended about 2 weeks ago by a Nationwide insured. They are not disputing liability and an adjuster came to look at my car on Wednesday. It's a total loss. He was very nice- I own my car (a 2009 Honda Accord) outright, so I gave him the title on the spot. I sort of expected to receive an on the spot check in return, but I guess different insurance companies do things differently.

Anyway, he called me today and said that he issued the check yesterday and gave me the check number. However, it gets printed and mailed from Columbus, OH (Not sure why, since he had the capability to issue an actual check).

Anyone have experience with how long it takes to receive it?

This is all about the US Postal Service. Not having a clue if you're in Cleveland, OH, or Honolulu, HI, it is probably going to take 3 - 7 business days - however long it takes the post office to get it to you.