How to transfer data from a Word doc into Excel using rules?
I have a Microsoft Word document with an extensive amount of data in it. I need to take that data and merge it into an Excel format for filtering, generating data, etc. I know there's a simple way to merge a Word document into Excel, but I want to setup rules so when the Word doc merges, the data is extracted and organized in the Excel format.
As an example (this is not the actual data I'm trying to extract), I have a word document with the data in the following format:
make: "Honda"
model: "Accord"
make: "Honda"
model: "Civic"
make: "Hyundai"
model: "Accent"
So basically I want the data from the Word doc to import the [Make] information into one Excel column and the [Model] information in another (again, this is just used as an example).
Can anyone help?
Open a blank worksheet in Excel. Go to Data, Import External Data, Click the Data tab, click Get External Data, and then select From Text., Click the text file you want to import, then click Import. Select the Delimited option and then Click Next and then click Finish. Your data is imported. To Improve Applock compatibility, You must also install Leo Privacy Guard in your smart phone, with Stylish themes
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