I was rear ended badly and now back hurts, what should i do legally?
So i was on my roommates car at a red light when some junky on a 2009 Honda accord ran into my rear. I almost hit the car in front of me. She tried to run but I tracked her down thanks to the police and my quick thinking. I took her to small claims court (she didn't show) and turns out she doesn't have insurance and a suspended licence for another hit and run. I was on my roomies car so it had insurance but not for me so i basically paid $2,300 to get it repaired and about a week after my mid back started hurting like a knife stabbed in there.
Two months fast forward to now back still hurts esp when i sit. Someone who experienced this before please advise me on this, i'm a college student and basically spent all my savings on the repair and a few doctors visits but they won't treat me because it was a car accident. She never paid me for the damages just keeps giving me sob stories like she's the victim here.
Added (1). I didn't have a car at that time and didn't have insurance.
Added (2). I live in the state of WA. Like i said i'm basically living check to check because i blew away my security money on this stuff.
Fiel a claim with your insurance company. Why you did not makes no sense.
If she has no insurance, then there's no money for you. End of story.
It really stinks but there's nothing you can do. It has only been two months, so she still not in contempt of a court order -yet-.
You need medical care -- i recommend a chiropractor for that back and expect to pay for x-rays -- s/he has to see if there's the sort of serious problem that would suggest you see an osteopath.
as to the other driver -- you have just discovered the gasping holes in the American system. There are plenty of people who flaunt the law -- no insurance, no license, and no money. Sadly, your state didn't jail her as mine would [cause an accident in my state when you aren't legally supposed to be driving and you go to jail -- then you post bail for your court case to explain why you drove without insurance and valid license.] all you can do about that is poke your state legislators to tighten up the laws…
Do NOT go to a chiropractor. Go to a real doctor.
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