If you had to GUESS. What my car insurance would cost a month. In a 2001 Honda Accord, liability only?

With me, being a 33 year old male, with no tickets or accidents. Obviously there's no way to be completely accurate here I'm just curious as to what to expect before calling for quotes.

25 a month

$600 a year for full coverage.

$50/month for state minimum liability.

It's too hard to predict because there are so many variables such as your driving record, your credit rating (yes, that factors into how much insurance companies charge for the premiums), whether you get discounts like a multi-policy discount, and what state your in (for example, Michigan has the highest insurance premiums in the country). Just call and ask for quotes because it's the quotes that will tell you what to expect.

It depends what country you are in.

Every number is what it would cost -- somewhere. It would cost 50 if you live where that is the price and 2000 if you live where that is the price. There's no way to be even partially accurate without knowing where you live.

You should not expect it to cost you what it would have cost if you lived somewhere else. If someone tells you what it costs anywhere in the world that you don't live, then you should expect that it will cost something else, because the price in two different places is almost never the same.

I would guess 4000 pesos, 20 rubles, 19 greenbacks, 9 shekels and a small handful of loonies, give or take a few dozen francs.

So how close was I?

As others said, rates vary greatly by location. Have you had insurance in the last 6 months.
Also your credit score impacts insurance rates, bad credit means higher rates.
Do a search on average auto insurance costs by state and that might give you a ballpark estimate.

Somewhere between $50 and $5000. If you want a better answer, talk to an insurance agent.

You are wasting your time. Nobody but an insurance company can tell you what insurance might cost you.