Mitsubishi lancer SE vs Honda accord coupe exl-v6?

So my options for my new car are a 2012 Mitsubishi lancer SE with sports package or a Honda accord v6 coupe ex-l. The Mitsubishi has 11k miles, awd, and heated seats but the interior is supposibly cheap and the car isn't as fast from what I hear m The Honda is fwd which isn't the best for the snow in Illinois, slightly less sporty and will be a 08-10 but the interior has luxury and is a pretty quick car. Any opinions on which one to get.

I will suggest you to go for a test drive first this way you will clear your doubts regarding the performance and can also look for other issues in both cars. You can also look for resale market value of both the cars which I think is the most important factor to decide which car to buy.