My 96 Honda Accord LX has a P0303 Code from Autozone?
The check engine light is on it flashes sometimes while sitting at a stop light and the spark plugs were changed and I put some fuel injector cleaner in the car but it's still reading the same code it says cylinder #3 is misfiring
Possible causes
- Faulty spark plug 3
- Clogged or faulty fuel injector 3
- Faulty ignition coil 3
- Fuel injector 3 harness is open or shorted
- Fuel injector 3 circuit poor electrical connection
- Ignition coil 3 harness is open or shorted
- Ignition coil 3 circuit poor electrical connection
- Insufficient cylinder 3 compression
- Incorrect fuel pressure
- Intake air leak
Read more:
Ignition coil is going.
Then you have a bad coil, bad plug wire or bad injector for the #3 cylinder. If you've been driving it that way for a while get your oil and filter changed. The un-burnt gas washes down the cylinder wall and ends up in the oil pan where it dilutes the oil and causes bearing damage.
Since the Civics covered by this tutorial are OBD II equipped, identifying the dead (misfiring) cylinder usually means connecting a scan tool and checking for misfire codes (P0301, P0302, P0303, or P0304). Then by matching the misfire code to its engine cylinder using an illustration of the engine cylinders.
Unfortunately, your Civic's PCM won't always set a misfire code, even though the engine is suffering a bona-fide misfire. When this happens… There's no need to panic because there's a solution to this. The solution is to do a manual cylinder balance test.
Yeah, most likely your coil pack is failing
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- 96 Honda Accord LX P0303? Reading a cylinder #3 misfire code P0303 I had the Ignition Coil changed Spark Plugs and Spark plug Wires I=then the computer was reset but unhooking the battery and the Check engine is still on What else could It be?