Can I ride a yamaha r6 year 05,07,08?

I'm looking into getting a yamaha for college commute and all I've ridden is a honda grom so i'm upgrading the thing is I'm 5 7 to 5 8 and I've been looking everywhere for advice if a person as tall as me will be able to ride a yamaha r6?

An R6 is not a good choice, like sticking dynamite up your AZZ while smoking a cigarette BUT I may be wrong.

An R6 is a great racing motorcycle on the track. It can do 70 mph in first gear, can do over 160 mph in top.
It is a pitiful motorcycle on the street, even worst as a commuter.

You can do anything you want. Personally I prefer something more useful.

Your height is not the limiting factor.

Going from a 10HP Grom to a 100+ HP 600, eh?

Man, I wish I had your optimism.

Would you ask a computer help line if a pair of pants will fit?
Go to a shop and sit on the bikes to see what fits.
It's free to sit on them.

Look I started on a ninja 250 and yes you can ride an r6. Don't listen to the guys that want to scare you. The R6 is very low front end power and the power only really hits when you wind it out on the tach. It's a choice if you want to do stupid things on it. But let's say you are a normal person that isn't nuts then an r6 is fine and in fact its safer on the freeways as lower powered bikes like the ninja 300 take way damn too long to get up to speed and you need something with power to skidaddle out of the way of giant semis. See the video here below the R6 is overrated for it's power as I said… Its a gutless wonder until you get it up up up and up into the tach.

'I believe that ANY sports bike is NOT good for just commute riding. They are not designed for short hops and the engine can be ruined by this. You'd probably never get out of third gear.