2015 Mazda3 vs Honda Civic EX?

Test drove both earlier today and I love both, what do you guys think? They're pretty similar price and performance wise.

I think the mazda 3 looks nicer and so does the interior. I hate the civics electric dashboard make the interior look kinda gay.

Hi well as mazda is tied to FORD of america. Think the honda would be a much better buy.

If you will trade of sell the car in the next 5 years then know that the Honda will have a much higher resale value. If you are going to drive it until it is worn out then that is not a factor. They are both great cars but the Civic will more likely that not be the most reliable. I would buy the Civic.

I'd go with the Mazda 3. Mazda cut ties with Ford a couple of years ago, so the new 3 is purely Mazda. Even those Ford influenced ones were very good. I really like Hondas, but given the choice, I'd cho0se the Mazda 3 in this situation. If you have to drive, why not have fun doing it? The Mazda 3 has always been just as reliable, even when it was called the Mazda Protege. It was just overlooked for years. Plus the new 3 looks better IMO. The 2016 Civic is a default car and you know it's gonna be reliable, but it seems each new Civic lacks something that made it's predecessors special. Mazda still has soul and this one is a beauty.

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