Changing body style of honda civic 2005 VP coupe to SI coupe?

Basically I want to go from my basic honda VP to this picture. I have some to paint it already I just need to know what to get for body parts. Mine is a 2005, and I would love to get as close as possible to this.Changing body style of honda civic 2005 VP coupe to SI coupe Added (1). I know ill need new rims too but simply body style, how could I do that?

Not going to happen, by the time you have changed everything, it would have cost more compared to just getting are real SI. And its not a matter of replacing body parts, you are talking major modifications.

The body shape is different, specially the slope/angle of the rear windshield. The trunk size/shape is also different, the bumpers, lights etc… Why would you spend too much just to make it look alike.