How much would it cost to fix the headlight cover on my 2003 honda civic?

How much would it cost to fix the headlight cover on my 2003 honda civic? - 1

Added (1). I was pulling out of my garage and a heavy box fell onto the front of my car and broke the outer part of the headlight, the bulb is still in tact. I was hoping to find out the approximate cost so i can save up to fix it.

Japanese plastic is the most expensive substance on earth.

If it broken, you may be able to replace with a good used part from the wreckers, or e-bay. If it's just discoloured, look up some you-tube videos about how to restore them yourself.

You will need to replace the entire headlight assembly as it is one piece and can't be repaired. Not that expensive at around $40. If they are hazy then I would replace them both.